Arts Fund
Arts and heritage are important and valued in Jersey and are key to our sense of identity as an Island. Cultural participation is known to bring benefits including learning and education, good health, social inclusion and satisfaction with life.
Boosting arts opportunities for the community, improving skills and creativity in the arts and culture sector and continuing to develop community cohesion are key priorities of the Arts Fund.
The current maximum grant size is £50,000 per applicant per financial year. Multi-year grants will be considered.
More Information
A project might sit exactly within one of the supported disciplines below, across a few of them or involve another cultural discipline.
Visual arts
Project Outcomes
Why do you have to clearly set out your project outcomes?
Project outcomes are really important to us because we want to back projects that make a difference.
Outcomes are changes, impacts or benefits that happen as a direct result of your project.
This is so important to us that we have decided that we will only support projects that clearly explain what their outcomes are.
More specifically, we have decided to exclusively support projects that lead to one of four types of outcome that we think are especially important.
If you are not clear about the outcomes your project is likely to create, we will not be able to support your work. And if you are clear about your outcomes, but they do not line up with one or more of the four outcomes we have prioritised, we also will not be able to help you.
Our Priority Outcomes
1) Enjoying
2) Education and Upskilling
3) Enabling
4) Developing
Additional outcome
5) Partnerships
Some funded projects will only achieve one outcome, others might achieve more than one.
There is no obligation to name more than one, and we strongly encourage you not to claim more outcomes than you really think you can deliver.
1) Enjoying:
A wider range of people will be involved in the arts and cultural sector
What this outcome means:
If your project is a success, then the range of people benefiting from arts and cultural activities will be more diverse than before your project started and/or the number of people attending and participating in arts and cultural activity across the Island will have increased.
This might include providing equal opportunities to all sectors of the community to build skills and participate in, or enjoy, the Arts.
To achieve this outcome, you will need to show that you have considered how you will build your audience and/or your range of participants.
What we are looking for:
Signs that you will be able to show that your audience or volunteer profile has expanded between the start and end of the project.
It might include, for example, identifying opportunities to allow a broader range of ages, ethnicities and social backgrounds, more disabled people, or groups who have never engaged in arts and culture before to access opportunities to develop their skills
2) Education and Upskilling:
Creating opportunities for individuals to fulfil their creative potential and providing skills that the economy of the future will require
What this outcome means:
If your project is a success, then more opportunities will have been created for individuals to develop skills and creativity in the arts and culture sector.
What we are looking for:
People will be able to tell you what they have learnt as a result of your project, and what difference this makes to them and their lives, after experiencing your project.
Projects may:
Engage children at a young/er age
Ensure the well-being of the community is better supported through creativity
Help people fulfil their creative potential and acquire new skills
Support initiatives that encourage people into the Arts
Develop a digital culture & creative media
3) Enabling:
The funded organisation will be more resilient
What this outcome means:
If your project is a success, your organisation will have greater capacity to withstand threats and to adapt to changing circumstances to give you a secure future.
You will achieve greater public participation with your organisation, increased skills, fresh sources of expertise and advice.
What we are looking for:
You might have new volunteers who increase your capacity and skills, or new sources of income through commercial activity.
You will be able to show that your organisation is stronger and in a better position for the future as a result of the changes you made as part of your project.
4) Development
Funding will support the capacity and development of the arts ecosystem
What this outcome means:
Applicants would ideally demonstrate how they will work with and add value to other areas of arts development, indicating how the fund will boost their capacity and ability to make a difference for communities / audiences (e.g. social cohesion, health and wellbeing).
What we are looking for:
The fund may support the commissioning of works of art or R&D as part of projects which fulfil the criteria of engagement/diversity and/or education/upskilling. Applications must clearly demonstrate the relationship between the commissioned work and its benefit to the community.
Any commissioned work must be of appropriate quality in order to deliver the stated community benefit. Applications should include details of the artist, their selection and the brief.
Additional outcome
We encourage you to focus on achieving one or more of our priority outcomes above at this time. We also have an additional ‘Partnerships’ outcome below. If a project meets the ‘Partnerships’ outcome, it must also meet one of the priority outcomes above.
5) Partnerships: Improving partnership and collaboration across the arts and cultural sectors
What this outcome means:
If your project is a success, your organisation will improve partnership and collaboration across the arts and cultural sector and contribute to the wider arts ecosystem in Jersey, including its overall capacity, sustainability and innovation. You will work in partnership to share services, ideas, people and resources.
What we are looking for
Your project may:
Bring other arts organisations together to achieve a shared objective
Develop an effective approach to how the Arts can be used in supporting and achieving outcomes in health and well-being (such as Arts in Healthcare, in Prison and in the community and in conjunction with Back to Work initiatives/long-term incapacity)
Additional Information
Where appropriate, we expect applicants to consider what steps they can take to create positive environmental impacts and reduce negative environmental impacts through their projects. The measures that you implement should be appropriate for the scale of your project.
We also encourage organisations to consider how they plan to use digital technology to reach audiences, promote outcomes or produce new work.
The Jersey Community Foundation works with Advisory Groups, with sector specific expertise, to support the Foundation in reviewing applications.
Applications cannot be funded retrospectively so the project start date must be after Board decision date.
Funding must be spent by: usually within one calendar year of award.
Before you apply
you must be able to clearly demonstrate the positive impact your project will have and which of our three priority outcomes your project is working towards
if the funding is for a new project, the project must not start before we’ve formally made a decision about your funding application (When this happens depends on when you apply)
What can’t be funded
Personal artistic development
The fund will not normally be used as a substitute for sponsorship of individual performances or events, but we will consider supporting larger cultural events intended to showcase art forms or which bring together different art forms perhaps with the heritage sector
Got a Great Idea?
If you could do with a little help and not sure if your project matches the criteria, then you can always just tell us your idea. Forget about the application process for now, simply tell us your idea and we'll let you know if it's something we can help you with.
Criteria for all applications
Charities, not for profits and community groups may apply.
Successful applications will relate to a project, service or initiative to be undertaken within Jersey or a project where the outcomes would be directly transferable to Jersey for local benefit
All applications must fit one or more charitable purposes as per the Charities (Jersey) Law 2014
Grants may fund existing services, new initiatives or can contribute to ongoing operating costs
Grant recipients must report to the Foundation on how the Grant has been spent and the extent to which the funded activity has achieved the desired outcomes. The Foundation will provide the grant recipient with a reporting template.
Grants should be spent within one calendar year of receiving funding or as agreed otherwise with the Foundation.
Supporting documents to be provided
Evidence that the cost of the item or items to be funded has been obtained and is reasonably priced, which may include a selection of quotes or online comparisons;
Job descriptions and a statement from the Recipient of its need for additional resource if the application is for staff costs;
Full details of the Recipient’s bank and investment balances;
The most recent financial statements of the Recipient to demonstrate both good financial management and sustainability;
A profit and loss statement and balance sheet for the current year of the Recipient (to be supplied before payment if not possible to provide on applying);
A project budget and details of other sources of funding where the costs are not solely sought from the fund