Greville Bathe and Ann Alice Rayner Funds
The Greville Bathe Fund was set up to help sick and elderly individuals living in Jersey and the Ann Alice Rayner Fund was set up to help individuals living in Jersey who find themselves in financial difficulties.
All individual applications must be submitted through a sponsor. To enquire about becoming a sponsor please contact grants@jerseycommunityfoundation.org
There will be an opportunity twice a year for charities to apply for funding, but the ultimate beneficiaries must meet the objects of the fund being applied to.
More Information
The Greville Bathe Fund was created as a result of a bequest made by the late Greville Bathe to the Treasurer of the States of Jersey in his Will of personal estate dated 9 October 1961.
Funds will be expended by grants of pecuniary relief or pensions in any form, in the following proportions:
Part A
For the relief and pensions to needy persons of either sex whose legal domicile is in the Island of Jersey, who have rendered service to the Island of Jersey either in an honorary or remunerated administrative or clerical capacity, or whose ancestors were employed or engaged in such in service to the Island, but excluding persons who are actually in receipt of grants or benefits under the Fund known as "The Alice Raynor Fund".
Part B
For relief to sick and aged persons of either sex and of any age or denomination whatsoever, resident in the Island of Jersey, in addition of or otherwise to any pension or relief which such sick or aged person may already be in receipt of and to include grants or pensions in support of any institution or Home other than owned and administered by public funds, which has for its object the relief of sick and aged.
The Ann Alice Rayner Fund was created by Alice Blason née Colclough was the wife of Charles Henry Blason and widow of John Edward Rayner, late Lord Mayor of Liverpool. In her Will, she gave the residue of her personal estate to the States of Jersey for the creation of a fund to be known as the Ann Alice Rayner Fund.
In 2001, the States accepted a proposition that the objects and purpose of the Fund shall be the provision of pecuniary relief to needy persons residing in Jersey.
All individual applicants must come through a sponsor. Individuals cannot apply directly.
Each individual applicant and review should be verified in writing by a Sponsor to support the application. The Sponsor should be a professional person who has close dealings with the applicant (e.g. Doctor, Health Visitor, Social Worker or similar professional person) or an organisation. If you are not already a sponsor and would like to apply to be one, please contact grants@jerseycommunityfoundation.org
Applications may be received in sole or joint names and/ or referencing dependents. In all circumstances household income should be detailed in the application.
Other Avenues
If individuals may qualify for any benefits (such as income support, LTIA etc), funding from these avenues must have been fully explored before an application is made.
Payment will not be made to an individual’s account but must be paid directly to the supplier/ creditor.
Award Duration
All awards should be for a finite, defined period not exceeding 12 months. Thereafter a new application should be made.
There will be an opportunity twice a year for charities to apply for funding, but the ultimate beneficiaries must meet the objects of the fund being applied to.
Groups should be Registered Jersey Charities or excepted foreign charities
The identity of the individuals being assisted by the Group must be clear from the outset, and these ultimate beneficiaries must themselves meet the objects of the fund, in the same way that direct applicants must qualify
Awards made to Groups must observe the JCF’s standard application and reporting processes
If you are a charity wishing to apply you will not need to become a sponsor but will be able to apply by going through the website.